Fleet electrification and charging infrastructure
POST is resolutely committed to the energy transition by gradually electrifying its entire vehicle fleet. With more than 1,000 vehicles used for daily operations, 26% of which already run on electricity, the POST Group has already made significant progress in 2023 and 2024. Last year, electric vehicles traveled 29 million...
Advice, studies and project planning in electromobility, fleet of electric vehicles
Goblet Lavandier & Associés is actively involved for its clients in carrying out studies, planning and monitoring the execution of their electromobility projects. The office provides all the services of consulting engineers and assists its clients in the related authorization procedures. Moreover, this commitment is also reflected in the office’s...
Permanent integration of e-mobility in the mobility concept
Charging stations (with 18 charging points) for electric vehicles are installed for visitors and employees. The number of charging stations will be adapted depending on the demand.Charging points for bicycles and rollers are available in the basement. Collaborators are regularly informed and sensitized on the subjects of e-mobility. Our mobility...
Acceleration of the e-mobility development
First electric vehicle in 2017; 53 electric vehicles in (October 2023) ; 8 charging points, Installation of a photovoltaic system to recharge electrical vehicles in November 2022 ; Offer to all employees to use electric vehicles to travel to work. The offer was widely accepted.
Analysis of the electrification potential. Charging software facilitating reliable and low cost charge.
Analyse of the electrification potential. Charging software facilitating reliable and low-cost charge. The product consists in a b2b-software allowing to configure a fleet and to optimize the charging costs of electric fleets. This is realized by using all values of the electricity system and by considering all the use case’s...
Analyses of the electrification potential. Charging software facilitating reliable and low cost charge.
Le produit consiste en un logiciel b2b configurant une flotte et optimisant les coûts de recharge pour les flottes électriques. Ceci est réalisé en exploitant tous les flux de valeur du système électrique et en prenant en compte tous les paramètres des cas d’utilisation via le GPS, le SOC de...
Electric fleet, advice in electromobility, “Balkonkraftwerk”
1nergie is engaged in the promotion of the electromobility. On the one hand, 1nergie is an active electromobility player, on the other hand it delivers advice in the domain of electromobility. 1nergie owns three electric vehicles (2xBMW i3 et 1xVW iD3). The autonomy of these vehicles is largely sufficient for...
Electrification of the municipal vehicle fleet
In 2022, the municipality of Schuttrange adopted the Leitbild 2030 for sustainable development in line with national policy. The Leitbild provides for various measures in the field of electromobility, as well as certain quantitative targets in this area. In order to meet its commitments, in 2023 the municipality drew up...
Shared Mobility
Moovee provides its customers and their employees with a complete turnkey mobility service. The mobility service can be used without the constraints and inconveniences of traditional operational management. Vehicle fleets are shared within companies or within closed communities. The current moovee fleet is composed to 90% of electric vehicles (cars,...
App “EV Catalogue.lu”
FEBIAC is the Federation of the Car and Two-wheeler Industries in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Boasting more than one hundred years of experience, it represents manufacturers and importers of road transport equipment (cars, commercial vehicles, motorised two-wheelers, bicycles) in Belgium and Luxembourg at the European, international, federal...
Promotion of electric mobility among citizens and visitors of the City of Ettelbruck
The municipal administration of the City of Ettelbruck is in the process of replacing its old vehicles with new electric models. In the last three years, four electric vans have been acquired and each department has obtained one or more electric bicycles. They are used almost daily by the departments...
Empowering mobility
In 2008, Voyages Emile Weber launched its empoweringMobility project. Their objective is to electrify their fleet. Their initial plans to acquire hybrid and plug-in hybrid buses soon paved the way for the replacement of the vehicle fleet with fully electric vehicles (service cars, minibuses and buses). In 2017, Voyages Emile...
Physical supplier of the Chargy/Superchargy network and supplier of charging services
Physical electricity supplier to the Chargy and SuperChargy network: Enovos has been the physical supplier of the Chargy network since its creation. Together, Enovos and Chargy guarantee a supply of green energy to recharge electric cars at all public stations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In addition to its...
Zero emission vehicle fleet
Bamolux is a B Corp finishing and interior joinery company that aims to reduce its impact on the environment as much as possible. One of its objectives is to reduce CO2 emissions from its vehicle fleet, which currently comprises 28 vans, 2 cube lorries, an electric flatbed truck (the first...
100% renewable energies
At CONVEX, the vehicle fleet currently consists of 71% fully electric cars and 14% plug-in hybrid cars. We plan to electrify the entire fleet over the next two to five years and develop new charging opportunities through the use of carports fitted with photovoltaic panels. Furthermore, the building occupied by...
Innovative solutions
Nexxtlab is a forward-thinking company committed to advancing the energy transition, not only in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg but also on a broader scale. They offer innovative solutions designed to enhance the utilization of renewable energy sources while also ensuring the efficient management of electrical grids. Their primary areas...
Electrification of the bus fleet, service cars and expansion of the charging infrastructure.
Since 2019, as part of the RGTR public transport contract, Voyages Simon has equipped the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works with one 100% electric articulated bus (18.70 metres) and six 100% electric buses (12.20 metres) for regular bus routes. All of these vehicles are charged via fixed charging stations...
Electrification of the truck fleet
In 2020, wholesaler BIOGROS acquired the first electric truck of its kind in Luxembourg for its regional distribution of organic produce. Due to its outstanding energy and cost efficiency, the electric expansion of the fleet will bring economic and ecological advantages. Thanks to the highly efficient electric motor (around 95%...
Installation of charging stations and electrification of the fleet
The Stëftung Hëllef Doheem embraced electromobility in 2014/2015, when its Care and Support Centres introduced the use of pedelecs for some of their care rounds. At the same time, the centres in Luxembourg City and Diekirch also received their first electric cars (Renault Zoé). Hëllef Doheem are currently in the...
Information, leasing offers and fleet electrification
As part of the promotion of electric mobility, ACL Mobility Loft’s e-mobility experts provide ACL members with impartial advice, helping them better understand the details and implications of this new form of mobility. Together with the “Maison cu Cycliste”, ACL is committed to educating and informing bicycle users so that...
Electrification of the car sharing fleet
FLEX is the car sharing solution for Luxembourg, offering a range of high-quality vehicles and numerous stations throughout the country, most of which are connected to the public transport network. FLEX is the sustainable mobility solution for everyday life. The FLEX fleet includes 28 electric cars, which can be charged...
Installation and provision of charging station solutions, fleet electrification and awareness work
Infrastructure Founding partner of the “Chargy” network charging infrastructure which provides charging stations for electric vehicles. Active collaboration with companies in Luxembourg to provide them with both normal and fast-charging infrastructure solutions for their own sites, fleet and/or public access management, as well as all operational and maintenance services, from...
Installation of charging stations and electrification of the fleet
FLEAA is a professional organisation that brings together private sector road passenger transport operators in Luxembourg. One of its main missions is to actively promote bus and coach transport to the general public. FLEAA’s current involvement in the field of electric mobility consists of the: Electrification of the RGTR lines...
Electrification of the bus fleet, service cars and expansion of the charging infrastructure
Since 2017, Bollig Voyages has been providing the city of Echternach with a 100% electric mini bus (10.70 metres) for the “City-Bus-Echternach” route. In order to ensure that driving and rest times are respected, it is necessary to switch bus drivers working on this route part-way through. Currently, four 100%...
Research and innovation projects
The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is developing projects aimed at deploying and promoting electric, communicating, connected and automated mobility (CCAM). More specifically : CitCom.ai, a project supported by the Digital Europe program, the ERDF fund and LIST, operationalises the deployment of AI solutions promoting electromobility and the...
Electrification of the bus fleet and service cars
As a socially responsible company, Voyages Vandivinit has started to adapt new environmentally friendly technologies for its fleet. In 2019, the first five 100% electric buses were acquired, accommodating up to 90 passengers and equipped with a 200 kWh battery which has a range of 130 km. In addition, an...
Installing charging stations and electrifying vehicle fleets
Energy supplier Sudstroum installed CHARGY public charging stations in Esch. In the context of this project, Sudstroum provides charging services to owners of electric cars and sells charging stations (with or without installation). In order to promote the use of electric vehicles and familiarise the general public with e-car sharing,...
Electrification of the bus fleet and expansion of the charging network
At Voyages Koob, the vehicle fleet currently consists to 20% of electric buses. They plan to electrify the entire fleet over the next five to ten years and expand the charging network. Furthermore, the company will purchase more electric buses following the planned electrification of the RGTR network. In 2020,...
Electrification of all vehicle categories
Demy Schandeler has already completed the first stage of the project with the electrification of its transportation vehicles: these mainly include 100% electric buses, minibuses and service cars for drivers. The company has also provided recharging stations for these vehicles at various sites. In 2019, Demy Schandeler purchased five new...
Mobility analytics platform
With fleet vehicles being renewed regularly to reduce maintenance costs and limit possible downtimes, fleet operators and managers need to have deep insights into their fleet’s mobility patterns, such as, among other things, average trip distances, idle times available for charging and the charging infrastructure at destinations and along frequently...
Electrification of the bus fleet
Sales-Lentz was one of the first coach operators to adopt the new hybrid, hybrid electric and now electric bus technologies. In total, the company currently operates a fleet of 620 vehicles, including 44 100% electric city buses. Additional transformers, fast chargers and overnight chargers in various depots have been installed....
All projects
Fleet electrification and charging infrastructure
Post Luxembourg
Advice, studies and project planning in electromobility, fleet of electric vehicles
Goblet Lavandier & Associés Ingénieurs-Conseils S.A.
Permanent integration of e-mobility in the mobility concept
Schroeder&Associés S.A.
Acceleration of the e-mobility development
Superdreckskëscht S.A.
Analysis of the electrification potential. Charging software facilitating reliable and low cost charge.
Ridergy S.à r.l.
Analyses of the electrification potential. Charging software facilitating reliable and low cost charge.
Ridergy S.à r.l.
Electric fleet, advice in electromobility, “Balkonkraftwerk”
1nergie S.A.
Electrification of the municipal vehicle fleet
Commune de Schuttrange
Shared Mobility
Moovee Mobility
App “EV Catalogue.lu”
Fédération belge et luxembourgeoise de l’automobile et du cycle (FEBIAC Luxembourg)
Promotion of electric mobility among citizens and visitors of the City of Ettelbruck
Municipal Administration of the City of Ettelbruck
Electric vehicles
WEBTAXI S.à r.l.
Empowering mobility
Voyages Emile Weber Sàrl
Physical supplier of the Chargy/Superchargy network and supplier of charging services
Enovos S.A.
Zero emission vehicle fleet
Bamolux sàrl
100% renewable energies
CONVEX S.à r.l.
Innovative solutions
Nexxtlab SA
Electrification of the bus fleet, service cars and expansion of the charging infrastructure.
Voyages Simon
Electrification of the truck fleet
Installation of charging stations and electrification of the fleet
Stëftung Hëllef Doheem
Information, leasing offers and fleet electrification
Automobile Club du Luxembourg ASBL/SA
Electrification of the car sharing fleet
CFL Mobility S.A.
Installation and provision of charging station solutions, fleet electrification and awareness work
Installation of charging stations and electrification of the fleet
Fédération luxembourgeoise des exploitants d’autobus et d’autocars (FLEAA) asbl
Electrification of the bus fleet, service cars and expansion of the charging infrastructure
Bollig Voyages
Research and innovation projects
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Electrification of the bus fleet and service cars
Voyages Vandivinit
Installing charging stations and electrifying vehicle fleets
Electrification of the bus fleet and expansion of the charging network
Voyages Koob
Electrifying the fleet of service cars
Emile Frisch
Electrification of all vehicle categories
Demy Schandeler
Mobility analytics platform
Electrification of the bus fleet